- Geoengineering discussion
- New module
- E. O. Wilson, biophilia
- Nature article (look at maps and images)
- wilderness = areas of earth mostly untouched by human beings 10,000 contiguous sq km
- wildlife = animals not bred or tamed by human beings
- What's valuable about wild places?
- E.O. Wilson (Oct 23)
- William Cronon, "The Trouble with Wilderness" (Oct 25)
- Non-western views (Oct 27)
- Why are wild places disappearing--is it because there are too many people? Are there in fact too many people?
- Garrett Hardin--yes (Oct 30)
- Toby Ord and others--no (Nov 1)
- What should we do to preserve wild places? Restoration vs. rewilding
- Robert Eliot, "Faking nature" (Nov 3)
- Georges Monbiot, "Rewilding" (Nov 6)
- Debate: restoration or rewilding?
What's valuable about wild places?
The TV show Silo--Everyone lives indoors--what's the problem?
- Loss of natural resources that may be useful to us
- Emotional costs of losing nature
Emotions we have about nature, but not the built world
- Negative emotions--fear of snakes
- Positive emotions--biophilia--what is it? Loving a natural place vs. loving a person
What to do?
- Wildness--to preserve, we have to leave it alone (p. 350)
- Restoration--requires human intervention (p. 351)