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Friday, February 14, 2025

MODULE 2: More people


  1. Toby Ord
  2. Get ready for debate Monday -- we'll decide on the topic at the end of class
  3. Return quizzes

  • ethicist at Oxford
  • wrote a book called The Precipice about the major threats facing humanity
  • article draws on an area of philosophy called "population ethics"
He is addressing people who worry about overpopulation


Recap: two sets of worries

1960s concerns about overpopulation
Jan 11, 1960
  1. Focus: high birthrate in very poor countries
  2. Famine relief coming from rich countries
  3. Resources will be depleted as a result (like the pasture)
  4. Garrett Hardin, Paul Ehrlich, Kenneth Boulding, ZPG, etc.
2000s concerns about overpopulation

The overpopulation project
  1. Focus: population in affluent countries
  2. High consuming people, high consuming offspring


Ord: all these worriers are thinking about population in the wrong way

We should look at COSTS of more people but also BENEFITS
  • Intrinsic benefits of additional population -- value of the extra lives themselves
  • Instrumental benefits of additional population -- value added in other ways


Instrumental benefits
  1. Material goods (a hammer, a donut)--"each hammer benefits a single user, so its value is roughly independent of the world's population" (Ord p. 3)
  2. Information goods (song, book) -- "the value of an information good often increases with the size of the global population" (Ord p. 3)


Intrinsic benefits of more people
  • adding a person to the world is adding the good stuff that will constitute the person's life, and most lives are net positive
  • bigger population, bigger total amount of life-value 

An argument that extra people do add extra value
  • Would it be good if the world's population were still 7 billion instead of 8 billion?
  • The British Isles thought experiment -- read on p. 5

The plot thickens: what should we aim for, highest total value or highest average?

Problems with aiming for the highest average
  1. What if people in cold countries are a little less happy.  
    • They increase the total by reproducing
    • But they bring down the average
  2. On the average view they shouldn't reproduce
    • which seems absurd
Problems with aiming for the highest total
  1. If we keep doing that we could have this series--
    • 8 billion ..... ave 7
    • 9 billion ... ave 6
    • 10 billion ... ave 5
    • 11 billion ... ave 4
    • 12 billion ... ave 3
  2. On the total view we should keep going, even to the point of a huge population that's just barely happy
    • which seems absurd
These are hard problems in population ethics!


Our debate topic: Canvas