Friday 2/7, in class
- The point of this quiz (worth 5% of your course grade) is for you to review what we've done so far and so you can see what the midterm and final will be like.
- Based on how you do on this quiz, you may decide you're on top of things. Or you may decide you need to approach the class differently--perhaps by taking more notes, doing the reading more carefully, or whatever.
- Closed everything
- You'll be writing on paper
- You'll have 15 minutes (and we'll have class afterwards)
- There will be 3 questions and you'll answer just one
(1) (a) Explain the utilitarian view on the moral status of animals, as explained by Palmer. (b) Explain Palmer's distinction between general obligations to animals and special obligations. (c) When do we and don't we have obligations to wild animals on her view? Respond to her view, making an objection or a supportive point.
- Use all the materials available:
- your own notes
- blog posts (but don't memorize or repeat word-for-word)
- the readings
- feedback on your RRs
- Answer questions as fully as you can in the time available.
- Make sure you understand what an "argument" is.