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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

MODULE 1: Animals (continued)


  1. Reporting meetings
  2. Palmer's view

Summary of ideas in first part of Clare Palmer's article


Palmer's View

Our conflicting attitudes

Attitudes toward wildebeest (it's plural!) crossing the Mara river.    

Attitudes towards pets in a natural disaster.   Hurricanes, fires.

NBC news


Palmer asks: is it justifiable  to have these very different attitudes? Does it make sense?


Palmer's proposal
  1. General obligations (to all sentient animals) 
    • based on their nature, they do have moral status
    • examples: shouldn't harm gratuitously, shouldn't kill for no good reason
    1. Special obligations (just to specific animals)
      • based on history, context, relationships
        • you took responsibility for an animal
        • you are responsible for an animal's problems
      • protecting, assisting, saving...are special obligations
      • two animals can have the same moral status, yet we can have different obligations to protect, assist, save


    Applications of Palmer's view:

    Assisting wildebeest crossing Mara river (choose one)

    1. Obligatory
    2. Merely permissible (not obligatory, not wrong)
    3. Wrong

    Assisting pets harmed by the California fires (choose one)

    1. Obligatory
    2. Merely permissible (not obligatory, not wrong)
    3. Wrong

    Killing Marius


    Next part of Palmer's argument

    So far it looks like she's saying we have have limited obligations to wild animals
    1. Wild animals and their problems are not our responsibility, so we don't have to help with....
      • predation
      • infant mortality
      • natural disasters
      • accidents
    2. BUT, due to anthropogenic (human-caused) problems for animals, of their problems ARE our responsibility

    Palmer's main example: Climate change 

    human behavior --> hotter, drier climate --> more wildfires --> wild animals injured by wildfires


    how the LA wildfires are affecting wildlife and pets

    human behavior -->  warmer weather in arctic --> less sea ice --> problems for polar bears, seals, walruses