- RR feedback
- Today: Aldo Leopold's land ethic, reports
- Wednesday: Endangered species, reports, a little reviewing for quiz
- Friday: quiz and Kyle White (kinship)
RR feedback
- review the two checklists at the top of every assignment--requirements, mechanics
- Reading philosophy (tab above)
What is the land ethic?
- Reading from The Sand County Almanac
- Aldo Leopold website
- workbook
Native vs. invasive species
- invasive species reports
Other views: should we kill barred owls to save spotted owls?
- Peter Singer -- Utilitarianism
- Richard Taylor
- Barred owls--want to flourish, need more habitat
- Spotted owls -- want to flourish, hanging onto current habitat
Wild life managers as adjudicators--does any principle apply?
- self-defense
- proportionality
- distributive justice
- minimum wrong
- restitution