Wednesday, November 1, 2023

MODULE 4: Too many people?


  1. Ethics minor/spring classes
  2. Recap of Hardin
  3. Toby Ord

Garrett Hardin Recap
Scientific American
  • Assumption: very high population is bad   
  • Prediction: population will keep increasing  FALSE!
  • Diagnosis: tragedy of the common (Hardin)
    • ethics won't work
    • need coercion (mutually agreed upon)
    • there are no other possibilities  FALSE!

Why is population leveling off?
  • lower infant mortality --> people have fewer children
  • new opportunities for women
  • contraception
  • prosperity

Toby Ord, "Overpopulation or Underpopulation?" 

Main points
  • We should look at COSTS of more people but also BENEFITS
  • What are the benefits?
    • More people can add instrumental goods
      • they are beneficial TO other people
    • Instrumental goods: material (a hammer)
      • more people --> need more material goods (so that's a cost)
    • Instrumental goods: informational (a song)
      • more people --> more information producers (songs, books, ideas)
      • more people --> more information consumers benefiting
    • More people can add intrinsic goods--"joy, love, excitement, contentment, etc." (p. 5)
  • We should not overlook the benefits and just focus on the costs of higher population

  1. Ord says the 2 billion people world is better in a way. Agree or disagree?
  2. Will a future world of 10 billion be better than the present world of 8 billion in some ways?

The plot thickens (we didn't cover this material)

  1. Total Utilitarianism:  total good is all that matters (the view Ord favors)
    • Which future is best?  High
    • What is bad or puzzling about thinking about population this way?
  1. Average Utilitarianism: average good is all that matters
    • Which future is best? Medium
    • What is bad or puzzling about thinking about population this way?
  1. Existence Utilitarianism: ethics tells us to make people happy, not to make happy people
    • Which future is best? The one that's best for people who exist now. (which is that?)
    • What is bad or puzzling about thinking about population this way?